AxCrypt 1.7.2867.0

1:08 PM
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AxCrypt 1.7.2867.0 is used to share and work with stored documents, and e-mail attachments, in a secure manner.
If your documents reside on a document sharing service, intranet or file server AxCrypt is especially well suited and will usually seamlessly integrate, and make sharing and storing sensitive data as easy as not protecting it.
AxCrypt is great for protecting your documents such as private letters, correspondence, job information, medical information, financial details stored on a local hard disk or network server.
Just right-click any document file and encrypt it with AxCrypt. Viewing and opening for update is just as convenient as before encryption due to AxCrypt's automatic decryption/open/re-encryption function.
If you use a Key-File on a diskette or USB thumb drive, your files will be encrypted to the highest level of protection as long the Key-File is kept secret.
To encrypt a file, right-click it in Windows Explorer, select 'AxCrypt > Encrypt' and enter a pass phrase plus the path to an optional strong key file.
To edit or view an encrypted file - just double-click it.

Download AxCrypt 1.7.2867.0
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