Portable GeoniCS v10.23.0 based of AutoCAD 2012 SP1 | 1.49 Gb
GeoniCS - otechesvennaya production line on the AutoCAD platform and nanoCAD for data processing of geodetic and geotechnical surveys, creation and maintenance of geo-information resource area and Industrial facilities, geo-engineering design in the field of civil, industrial and transportation construction.The module "Topoplan" - is the core program that allows you to create topographic maps, survey point to the base project to build three-dimensional terrain model and analyze the resulting surface. On the basis of the model of the relief program can solve a variety of applications.
Module "Master plan" is used in the design of industrial facilities for various purposes, as well as civil engineering. The module ensures full compliance with the requirements of GOST 21.508-93 "Rules of execution of working documentation of master plans of enterprises, buildings, housing and civic facilities."
Module "Network" allows the design of external engineering networks and execute the necessary output documents.
The module "Trails" allows you to design a linearly extended objects and execute the necessary output documents.
Extras. Information:
Program Portability: no need to install, but will have to activate - as well as inpatient program.
GeoniCS10.exe - run the program.
To activate you need to create a shortcut to run the Keygen file with GeoniCS10.exe.
Go to the properties of the shortcut and change the entry in the Target field: in the end through the gap (if there is a quote - for them) to add the phrase x-force_2012_x32.
If the program crashes after activation - to close it through Task Manager.
On Win7 keygen run as root admin.
1. Create a shortcut to a shortcut GeoniCS10.exe. We go into the properties of the shortcut and in the "Object" at the end of a space to add x-force_2012_x32
It must be so ... \ GeoniCS10 \ GeoniCS10.exe x-force_2012_x32. Now, this shortcut will run the crack
2. Run GeoniCS10.exe. Activate it. Put the check "I agree ...". Continue. The next window is closed (lyuboe!). We agree with the fact that activation is not completed. Activate it. Put the check "I agree ...". Continue. Displays the window you want to request code.
3. Run the shortcut to GeoniCS10.exe (ie crack): on Win7 necessarily on behalf of the admin! Note the option "I have the activation code Autodesk". Click the button "Mem Patch". If a positive result, "Successfully patched!" click OK. Copy the code and paste it into the query box Request, pre-selecting in that field all the text Paste ... Click Generate. Activation of the field copy the activation code and paste it in the first (of 16) cells. On. Done.
4. In the intrusive box, "Getting Started" selects a template and click OK.
5. If a program freezes - call the Task Manager and "deafen" the process and GeoniCS10.exe acad.exe (or one thing I do not remember).
6. Run GeoniCS10.exe
Download Portable GeoniCS v10.23.0

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